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CM plans - exercises week 6:

1. For the construction site metaphor do the following:
  • re-read the notes you took from the exercises and discuss briefly the notes
  • decide what is the most important point/idea/topic/insight
  • discuss that topic in more detail in the light of what you have learned since
  • write half a page of text about the topic containing:
      - a checklist and/or
      - a procedural description and/or
      - a set of rules for good behaviour
2. For the study metaphor do the following:
  • re-read the notes you took from the exercises and discuss briefly the notes
  • decide what is the most important point/idea/topic/insight
  • discuss that topic in more detail in the light of what you have learned since
  • write half a page of text about the topic containing:
      - a checklist and/or
      - a procedural description and/or
      - a set of rules for good behaviour
3. For the library metaphor do the following:
  • re-read the notes you took from the exercises and discuss briefly the notes
  • decide what is the most important point/idea/topic/insight
  • discuss that topic in more detail in the light of what you have learned since
  • write half a page of text about the topic containing:
      - a checklist and/or
      - a procedural description and/or
      - a set of rules for good behaviour
4. Take the template for a CM plan that was used in lecture 5b:
  • discuss very briefly the purpose of a CM plan
  • discuss if, how and where the pieces you wrote for the metaphors will fit into the CM plan
  • discuss whether this CM plan is complete - or contains too much
  • discuss for each point in the plan who will read, use and maintain it
  • write half a page of text about the results of your discussions:
      - an evaluation of the proposed CM plan and/or
      - your proposal for the list of contents of a CM plan
      - a piece of text for an item in this - or your - CM plan
The results of today's exercises should be typed in and given to Lars or Ulf at the lecture on Monday 9/12.

Note! Contents (topics) will be one of the inputs used to guide the discussions during the examination. However, the quality of the contents will not influence the marks - the marks will be decided based on the quality of the discussions.

Updated December 3, 2002