CM hemsida Datavetenskap LTH

Configuration Management - lecture 3:

Construction site metaphor


  • Bendix &Vinter.

  • Study this paper. Make sure that you fully understand:
    • the motivation for running a workshop
    • what a metaphor is and why they are used
    • the construction site metaphor and theory
  • Mikkelsen & Pherigo, chapter 3 (in parts).

  • Read this chapter as background material - focus on the concepts and principles related to the construction site metaphor.

Lecture summary

  • workshop background and purpose
  • metaphors
  • why worry about CM?
  • construction site, metaphor, principles and activities
  • examples
  • co-ordination, communication
  • how to run the workshop


3 slides pr. page, 6 slides pr. page


Exercises have to be carried out in groups of three, which will be put together at today's lecture. Text for today's exercises.

Quote of the day

Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit. [Add little to little and there will be a big pile.] (Ovid).

Senast uppdaterad 5 november 2001