
Lunch Seminars

Why is Waterfall good and Agile evil?

Wednesday, March 9 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp):

Registration required - send an email to: bendix@cs.lth.se

There is very much hype around Agile development methods and many people and organizations claim that they do Agile. But they don't really - and they have all sorts of problems - and would in many cases be better off if they returned to Waterfall.

If the Agile ideas are so good, why are they then so difficult to practise? What is it that people get wrong about Agile - what pre-requisites do they overlook? Why have so many people completely misunderstood the seminal work of Royce on the Waterfall model? And what if we could have the cake and eat it - get the best from both worlds - and practise WaterGileFall ;-)

Show up, join the discussion and lets work it out.

At the seminar, I will show a couple of videos of how they work in the world's most agile organization.

Differing opinions - and Winston Royce - are very welcome!

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