Initial remarks

The notes and the clips below were originally created in the spring of 2021, and although the 2021 State of Haskell Survey didn't totally upend the survey of 2020 (which the recommendations below are based on), it should be noted that the use of ghcup and bare-bone cabal has increased quite a lot in just a year, and that the stack toolchain which is discussed below is no longer as dominant as it used to be.

I still think stack will be the most pragmatic alternative for your coursework, but you should be aware that there is an increasing number of Haskell developers who are using ghcup and cabal directly.

Also observe that the version numbers in Stackage have been updated since the text and clips below – at the beginning of the EDAN40/EDAF95 class of 2022, LTS-19.0 is the new LTS-17.7.

How to set up a Haskell tool chain for EDAN40/EDAF95

To run Haskell in EDAN40/EDAF95, you need a couple of things:

  • A good text editor
  • A tool for building your programs, and for managing your dependencies
  • Somewhere to get curated libraries
  • Libraries for testing

There are several alternatives for each of these items, but I'm going to recommend that you listen to what experienced Haskell developers have said in the 2020 State of Haskell Survey


Haskell source code is pure text, so of course we can use any text editor, but among Haskellers, there is a pretty clear trend toward Visual Studio Code (being someone who spend most of my days in Emacs, it feels somewhat odd to recommend VS Code, but I can see why Haskellers flock to it).

There are at least two compelling arguments for using VS Code in this course:

  • Its Haskell support is based on LSP, which enables many powerful features, such as linting, auto-complete, go to documentation, etc. (linting is especially useful when you learn a new language).
  • It has Live Share, which allows you to pair program at a COVID-safe distance.

You can install VS Code, either from their web site, or using your package manager (there are versions for Windows and macOS, and .deb and .rpm packages for Linux – I run Manjaro/Arch Linux, and use pacman -S code).

Build tool

As software gets increasingly complex, we've come to depend on more and more libraries to build anything interesting in any language. It is therefore crucial to have a good dependence manager and build system – for Rust we have cargo, for Python we have poetry and pip, for Java we have gradle, for Scala we have sbt, for Clojure we have lein, etc.

This used to be a weak point of the Haskell ecosystem, but it has improved greatly over the years. Some years ago, the only available Haskell build system was cabal, and although it is great in many ways, it had serious problems dealing with different versions of packages (if you google "cabal dependency", the auto-completion will probably suggest the word "hell" pretty high up in the list). This is why stack was developed – it is based on cabal, but it takes the idea of 'reproducible builds' very seriously, and maintains a list of curated packages available for download (see below).

Handling of dependencies has improved vastly in recent versions of cabal, but a look at the results of 2020 State of Haskell survey suggests that you should consider using stack for your own projects. EDIT: Over the last year, ghcup and cabal have gained a lot in popularity, as can be seen in the 2021 State of Haskell Survey – I assume many of those using it are people who run Haskell on a daily basis though, for someone who isn't, I'd still recommend using stack.

The one thing to watch out for is that your ~/.stack directory can become very big if you use many different snapshots. If it becomes too big, you can remove the whole directory (maybe after saving some settings) and just rebuild the stack projects you're working on – stack will then reload the files you actually need.

Below, we'll see how to create a stack project.

Package repository

There are some package repositories available, but if we're going to use stack, we should also use (see the results of 2020 State of Haskell survey).

Stackage contains a long list of curated releases (also called snapshots) – each release contains specific versions of the libraries, and these versions of the libraries have been tested together, so they should work well together. Some of the releases are Long-Term-Support releases (LTS), and they'll be supported for several years (LTS 0.7 was published 6 years ago, and is still maintained).

To avoid downloading many versions of libraries, you could pick one LTS release for the course, and stick with it (new LTS releases are churned out almost every week, but in mid March of 2021, lts-17.7 seems to be a good choice).

In the search bar of stackage, you can search for functions, libraries, and even function signatures (unfortunately, because of space constraints, when you search for a package, stackage will sometimes show you the results for the latest LTS, even if you searched for another LTS, but that will most likely not make any difference during this course).

Creating a stack project

There is a good documentation site for stack, where you can find all information you need – below are just a few comments.

To create a new "hello-world" project, we do (the $ is not part of the command):

$ stack new hello

stack will then create the following files for us (in a new directory):

├── app
│  └── Main.hs
├── hello.cabal
├── package.yaml
├── Setup.hs
├── src
│  └── Lib.hs
├── stack.yaml
└── test
   └── Spec.hs

Some things we need to know here:

  • The source code has been split up into three directories:

    • app contains the main program, and isn't supposed to contain much more
    • src contains one or more modules with the code we want to use from our main program
    • test contains our tests

    This way of organizing our code makes it much easier to write tests, so I recommend that you use it.

  • The file stack.yaml contains information about which 'stackage snapshot' we want to use (i.e., which version of the curated libraries) – to use lts-17.7 we can set it as:

    resolver: lts-17.7

    New LTS releases are published almost weekly, but, as said above, I think you should probably stick with one release for the whole course (to stop your ~/.stack directory from growing too big).

    Once we've set the resolver, we can set up our project with:

    $ stack setup

    This creates a directory .stack-work, where the output of various stack commands will be put (normally we want to avoid tracking generated files, so we put .stack-work in .gitignore, and stack new has already done that for us).

  • The file package.yaml contains a description of our dependencies, we'll look at it in the section about testing below.
  • The file hello.cabal is generated from package.yaml, we should not change it.

You can customize some 'global' settings in your ~/.stack/config.yaml file (these settings will be used for all stack projects you create with stack new):

    author-name: <your name>
    author-email: <your email>
    copyright: <whatever you prefer>
    github-username: <your github username>

These values will be put into some of the generated files (LICENSE, and package.yaml, which in turn will generate a <package>.cabal file).

By the way: stack can create different kinds of projects using templates, we may return to that later in the course (in case we set up templates for the projects).

There are a couple of stack commands we can use when we write our programs:

  • stack new: creates a project (see above)
  • stack setup: sets up the project to use the right snapshot
  • stack build: compiles the project, and puts the executable file deep down in the .stack-work subdirectory
  • stack exec: allows us to run the executable (which we have build using stack build)
  • stack test: runs the tests in our test directory (see separate section below)
  • stack repl: starts a REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) with all the imports in the projects loaded – it allows us to see the types of expressions, and to evaluate expressions, it can be a nice tool to try things out

In the clip below, I use stack to write a simple toy program which parses the command line arguments, and prints the ones which are integers, in ascending order. So, we want the following behavior:

$ ./show-integers 32 five-is-not-a-number 12 to be 24 or not 16 to be

To read the command line arguments, we can use the function getArgs, you can look it up on (enter getArgs in the search bar). If you watch the clip, I suggest that you pause and try things out yourself along the way.

You can download the final version of the code I wrote here (after you unpack it, you should be able to run stack build, stack exec, and stack test).

I apologize for all the dry coughing in the clip (it seems the ventilation system in the E-building wasn't tuned to the very low load during the COVID pandemic).


  1. The 'final' version of the program above has some logic inside main, move some of that logic to a new function in Lib (it will make it much easier to test the program – we'll look into it in the next section).
  2. There is an error in the program above, or at least an ambiguity in the problem statement – can you see it? (We'll return to it below)

A few words about testing

There is a saying by Sir Tony Hoare, the inventor of, among many other great things, quicksort and quickselect:

There are two ways of constructing a piece of software:
One is to make it so simple that there are obviously no errors,
and the other is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious errors.

(Hoare is also, untypically, the inventor of NULL, but he has called it his "billion-dollar mistake".)

Haskell helps us making some programs so simple that there are almost certainly no errors, but to be safe, we should always test our programs.

There are a couple of reasons for why every serious developer test her programs:

  • It gives us at least some confidence that our code is correct – as will be seen in the clip below, we should be careful not to be complacent, though, just having test will not help us if we don't come up with tests for the difficult cases.
  • Writing tests can help up iron out difficulties – when we look for relevant things to test, we often get a much better grasp of the problem we're trying to solve.
  • It can also help us finding ambiguities – if we write tests for the isInt function above, the problem of negative numbers will arise almost immediately (in this case, my intention was not to deal with negative numbers, so the solution would be to rephrase the problem statement, but we could also have rewritten our code to handle more cases – in either case we will end up with a problem statement which is more precise).
  • Writing tests can also help us design our code – when we write our tests, we have to use the API we're creating (this is a version of dogfooding), and if we do this upfront, it can help us design an API which is nice to use (this effect can also be achieved if we use top-down design).

So, we should make sure we have tests which covers most, if not all of our code – 'real' projects often have huge test suites, which takes many hours or sometimes even days to run. But we shouldn't test indiscriminately, only use tests which add something which hasn't already been tested.

There are a several good libraries for testing in Haskell, this is the results of the 2020 State of Haskell survey when it comes to testing:


Figure 1: Test framework

  • HUnit is a Haskell version of JUnit, we write code which checks that our functions return the expected results for given test data.
  • QuickCheck is a very clever tool for testing functions – instead of defining input and checking output (as we do for HUnit), we define properties which the return values of our function should have, and then ask the library to come up with counterexamples.
  • HSpec is a kind of DSL which allows us to write testable specifications for our functions (except for the syntax, it's pretty similar to HUnit).
  • Tasty is a libraray which builds on top of the libraries above (and some others) – it makes it easy to combine different kinds of tests into one test program.

Tasty, HUnit and QuickCheck are not included in the standard library (Prelude), so we need to tell stack where to find them. We do that by adding the following lines to package.yaml (see the last three lines – observe that we put them under tests, not under executables, since they only will be used in our tests, not in our main program or library):

    main:                Spec.hs
    source-dirs:         test
    - -threaded
    - -rtsopts
    - -with-rtsopts=-N
      - hello
      - tasty
      - tasty-hunit
      - tasty-quickcheck

We can find the names of the libraries by doing a search on the site.

The tests goes into the tests directory, in the file Spec.hs (the directory and file names can be configured in the package.yaml file).

Using tasty, we can group the tests in "test trees", which makes it easy to organize them. The tests are then run from the main function using the defaultMain function, which takes a test tree as a parameter. Observe that this main function is not the regular 'executable' of the project (that main resides in the app directory), it is the main which is run when we test our code (and it will normally not be included when we deploy our code).

To write a couple of unit tests using Tasty.HUnit (very similar to unit tests i Java), we can put the following code in Spec.hs:

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit

unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests"
    testCase "isInt \"nan\"" $ isInt "nan" @?= False,
    testCase "isInt \"42\"" $ isInt "42" @?= True

main = defaultMain unitTests

For an explanation of the syntax, see the docs. BTW: if we want to reuse isInt in other contexts than the program we wrote above, we should also check if it handles an empty string properly, and of course, check if it handles negative integers, or real numbers, etc.

We then run the tests with:

$ stack test

For unit tests, we have to come up with all test cases ourselves – but there is a very interesting alternative, known as property testing, and the most used library for property testing is QuickCheck.

To write a property test, we define properties we want the return values of our functions to have – for a sorting function, that could be things such as:

  • Idempotence: if we sort 'twice', i.e., if we sort a sorted list, we should get the same value back.
  • Same length: The number of elements in a sorted list should be the same as the number of elements of the list itself
  • In order: The elements in the sorted list should be in ascending order.

We can write functions which takes a list of, say, integers, and make sure that these properties hold after we've sorted them. We can then ask QuickCheck to try to come up with counterexamples – so we don't define any test data, QuickCheck does it by itself, and if it finds any test data for which our properties doesn't hold, it will try to simplify them into the simplest case it can find.

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

propIdempotence :: [Int] -> Bool
propIdempotence list = sort list == sort (sort list)

propertyTests = testGroup "Property tests"
    testProperty "Idempotence" $ propIdempotence

main = defaultMain propertyTests

Since QuickCheck itself should come up with test data, we need to help it with the types, that's why we defined the parameter to propIdempotence as an [Int], not a Ord a => [a] – you can read more about it in the docs.

To combine the unit tests and property tests above, we can create a new test tree, and use it from main:

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

unitTests = testGroup "Unit tests"
    testCase "isInt \"nan\"" $ isInt "nan" @?= False,
    testCase "isInt \"42\"" $ isInt "42" @?= True

propIdempotence :: [Int] -> Bool
propIdempotence list = sort list == sort (sort list)

propertyTests = testGroup "Property tests"
    testProperty "Idempotence" $ propIdempotence

allTests = testGroup "All tests" [ unitTests, propertyTests ]

main = defaultMain allTests

In the clip below, we'll add some unit tests and property tests to the toy program we wrote above:


  1. Add tests for isInt and toInt.
  2. Add tests for the function which handles the logic of the main program.

Author: Christian Söderberg