Proposal for thesis project to be performed at the Department of Computer Science, Lund University. < If you want to do a thesis project at our department, - read the information on about a) the areas for thesis projects within our department, and b) our step-by-step instructions for how to perform a thesis project at Computer Science - do step 1 of our thesis process - THEN prepare for submitting your thesis proposal (step 2a) by populating the information in this template PLEASE, write in English to increase the number of potential supervisors that can read your proposal! Once you have correctly completed the tasks above, you submit your thesis proposal by filling in the form on You thereby apply to perform your thesis project at Computer Science and to be matched to a supervisor and examinor. > WHO is proposing this thesis project * Student 1: * Student 2: * Type of thesis project: * Entitled to pedagogical support: WHAT is the thesis proposal about * Title of thesis project: * Goal and problem focus: * Solution approach: * Existing knowledge base: WHERE is the project to be performed * CS area: * Motivation for CS area: * Company (if any): * Proposed supervisor (if any): * Preliminary agreement with proposed supervisor: * Proposed examiner (if any): * Preliminary agreement with proposed examiner: WHEN (we recommend aligning start with our application periods) * Planned project start: BACKGROUND * Relevant courses: * Number of hp remaining until graduation/examen (related to this thesis project, and in addition to this thesis) * Other relevant information/explanations: