Practical HDR Texture Compression

Jacob Munkberg

Petrik Clarberg

Jon Hasselgren

Tomas Akenine-Möller

Lund University

Technical Report, ISSN 1404-1200, Report 92, August 2007 - Accepted to CGF


The use of high dynamic range (HDR) textures in real-time graphics applications can increase realism and provide a more vivid experience. However, the increased bandwidth and storage requirements for uncompressed HDR data can become a major bottleneck. Hence, several recent algorithms for HDR texture compression have been proposed. In this paper, we discuss several practical issues one has to confront in order to develop and implement HDR texture compression schemes. These include improved texture filtering and efficient offline compression. For compression, we describe how Procrustes analysis can be used to quickly match a predefined template shape against chrominance data. We also introduce a number of novel compression modes, which can be combined with existing compression schemes, or used on their own.


Paper [UPDATED : 2008 05 14] [pdf 25 MB]