Software Days - Main Conference
Date: October 11, 2007 (Thursday) at 09:30 to 20:00
Programvarudagar samordnas i år med det nationella Mekatronikmötet. Under förmiddagen den 11 oktober delar de båda arrangemangen en plenarsession. Syftet är att inspirera och utveckla samarbetet inom tillämpad programvaruforskning mellan industri och högskola.
Konferensens affisch kan hämtas som pdf här.
Programpunkter för förmiddagen
Tid | Rubrik | Talare |
9.30 | Registrering och kaffe | |
10.15-10.50 | When Hard Realtime Matters: Software for Complex Mechatronic Systems | Klas Nilsson, Dept of Computer Science, Lund; with material and video from the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics DLR Om ökad modularitet och inkapslingsbarhet för realtidsmjukvara; German Aerospace Center |
10.50-12.15 | Challenges in systems engineering in collaboration and Merlin | Rini van Solingen, LogicaCMG |
Experiences with nearshoring to Russia | Joni Lehtomäki, Solid Information Technology | |
Requirements Engineering in platform subcontracting | Björn Regnell, Dept of Computer Science, Lund | |
12.15-13.30 | Lunch |
Program för eftermiddagen
Spår A | Spår B | Spår C | |
13.30-14.30 | Results from the Merlin-project: Presentation, demo and discussion of Merlin Handbook, Päivi Parviainen, VTT Finland Presentation and discussion of Merlin Toolchain, Rob Kommeren, Philips |
SCM Metrics — or Metrics for SCM?, Lars Bendix, Dept of Computer Science, Lund
Utveckling av informationssystem — Digitala Bibliotek — exemplifierat med vertikala
Mekatronik- session |
15-15.45 | Computer vision, geometric problems and polynomial equations, Karl Åström, Dept of Mathematics, Lund | Mekatronik- session |
16-17.30 ca | Real 3D Graphics — presentation & demo, Tomas Akenine-Möller, Dept of Computer Science,
Lund — CANCELLED! Framtidens programvaruforskning, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Boris Magnusson & Per Runeson, Dept of Computer Science & Karl-Erik Årzén, Dept of Automatic Control, Lund |
ca 17.30- | Konferensmiddag och demomässa |
Konferensen är kostnadsfri för alla deltagare. Sena återbud (efter 3 oktober) debiteras med 500 kr. Sen avanmälan eller önskemål om specialkost meddelar du:
Programmet uppdateras kontinuerligt.
Room: Lund, LTH, Kårhusets hörsal och gasquesal
Titel | Abstract | Talare | Biografi |
When Hard Realtime Matters: Software for Complex Mechatronic Systems | Klas Nilsson Dept of Computer Science, Lund |
Working as an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science, Klas Nilsson is involved in several research projects and is teaching in Real-Time
Programming. That is also the subject for his research which includes Robot Control Systems and related software technologies. He cares about implementation and
industrially relevant test cases. For instance, the Laboratory for Application Languages and the Real-Time Garbage Collector developed within his group have been used for
programming and real-time control of industrial robots from ABB. These robots that they use are available at the Dept. of Automatic Control, in the Robotics and Real-Time
Laboratory which he takes care of as part of ongoing research projects financed by ARTES and NUTEK. Klas Nilsson’s background is from Mechanical Engineering at LTH but with extra courses in mathematics, control theory, computer technology (hardware), and software technology (programming). He worked six years at ABB Robotics Products with development of motion control systems. Needing more control theory, he went back to Lund for graduate studies at the Department of Automatic Control. Taking a problem-oriented approach to improve the control of industrial robots, the research brought him more into the field of computer science. After finishing his Ph.D. thesis, he went back to ABB Robotics Products where he worked with new software principles for robot programming. Being settled in southern Sweden, however, he is now back in Lund at the Department of Computer Science. |
Challenges in systems engineering in collaboration and Merlin | "The trend within the IT sector continues, away from hardware towards software and services. At the same time the amount of embedded SW is increasing in
electronics. Harsh competition, economic trends, cost efficiency, SW-based product differentiation and shorter life cycles of electronics products force electronics
industry to:
Rini van Solingen LogicaCMG |
Rini van Solingen is a competence development manager and principal consultant at LogicaCMG in The Netherlands (Industry, Trade and Transport division). Furthermore he works as an associate professor in Globally Distributed Software Engineering at Delft University of Technology, and as a professor in quality management and quality engineering at Drenthe University. His main interests lie in empirical research on GDSE specifically and technology transfer generically. |
Experiences with nearshoring to Russia | "This presentation about experiences on nearshoring software product development activities to Russia will cover some good practices as well as challenges in building the relationship. Aim of the presentation is to share the experiences and provide some insight to what we have learned during the process." | Joni Lehtomäki Solid Information Technology |
Joni Lehtomäki is working in Solid Information Technology in Finland as General Manager and Vice President of Product Development. His professional experiences include managing several outsourcing and nearshoring cases. |
Requirements Engineering in platform subcontracting | "When dealing with software intensive systems in complex value chains companies soon realize that their requirement processes span over several organisational borders. This makes the classical challenge of making trade-off among quality requirements even harder. This talk provides experiences in requirements engineering at Sony Ericsson with cross-organisational requirements engineering in a product line context and presents a novel method called QUPER that supports effective roadmapping of quality requirements in platform development." | Björn Regnell Dept of Computer Science, Lund |
Björn Regnell is professor in Software Engineering at Lund University and is also part time senior researcher at the CTO Office at Sony Ericsson. He has published more than 60 research papers with a main focus on market-driven requirements engineering, and his research is conducted in close cooperation with industry. |
Presentation, demo and discussion of Merlin Handbook | "The Merlin project has developed a collaboration handbook, called MerlinHandbook, a tool supporting collaborative software development. The internet-based handbook provides concrete solutions to support collaboration in practice; they are collected from a large number of experiences from industrial companies. Also, literature resources are included to guarantee a solid methodological basis for decision making. MerlinHandbook covers various collaboration modes and describes solutions to success in the critical activities of collaborative product development project. This presentation will introduce the handbook and give an overview of it’s contents." | Päivi Parviainen VTT Finland |
Mrs. Päivi Parviainen received her M.Sc. in Information processing science from the University of Oulu, 1996. She is currently working as a Senior Research Scientist in the Software development innovations Team at VTT in Oulu, Finland. She has experience in software process improvement, measurement, software reuse, software development tools and their integration, systems and software requirements engineering and global software development practices, for example. Currently she is in research exchange in Eindhoven, the Netherlands (since September 2005). |
Presentation and discussion of Merlin Toolchain | "Industrial experiences show that the impact of tools on embedded development is increasing in view of the increasing functionality, complexity of systems,
and the trend towards collaborative development. The state-of-the-art of software development tools shows, however, that tools are in general poorly integrated or
poorly integrable, leading to laborious manual intervention and consequent introduction of errors. In the Merlin project a ToolChain has been developed for distributed collaborative embedded system development, focusing on integrability of existing tools. In this presentation an overview will be given of the concept and results of the ToolChain development, and the experiences so far." |
Rob Kommeren Philips |
Rob Kommeren joint Philips in 1984 to work on Computer Aided Manufacturing at the Centre for Industrial Technologies. Since 1991 he has been working as a consultant and assessor in the area of Software Process Improvement, referring the SEI’s Capability Maturity Model for Software. In sixteen years he has gained a broad experience both in and outside Philips. During the last years Rob has mainly been working in high innovative software development organizations, aiming at lean & mean implementations of software development processes meeting CMM(I) L2 and CMM(I) L3 requirements. Currently he spends the majority of his working time as Development Process Improvement Manager of Philips Digital Systems & Technology. |
SCM Metrics — or Metrics for SCM? | &SCM people have for years supplied metrics data to the rest of the software organization because we sit on the repository, which is a literal gold mine of
data waiting to be mined. Various parts of the organization have used these metrics to measure their efficiency and the effect of changes, to plan and schedule resources,
and to monitor processes. We believe it is about time SCM started using this gold mine of data themselves to pull out metrics to provide the same benefits for the people, processes and tools that SCM is responsible for.
It turns out to be easier said than done, and this presentation is the tale of our odyssey through metrics theory and techniques, literature overview of previous work
Lars Bendix Dept of Computer Science, Lund |
Lars Bendix is an associate professor at Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden, where he initiated the Scandinavian Network of Excellence in Software
Configuration Management as a framework for collaboration between academia and industry. Software configuration management has been one of his main research interests for more than a decade. He teaches the subject at university, has given several tutorials for industrial audiences, and has worked with many companies to improve their configuration management practices. He is also involved in his department’s software engineering teaching that is based around the use of eXtreme Programming. He received his Masters Degree in Computer Science from Aarhus University, Denmark in 1986 and his PhD Degree from Aalborg University, Denmark in 1996. |
Real 3D Graphics — presentation & demo CANCELLED! |
"In this talk, I will present some of the underlying techniques for real three-dimensional displays. Both lenticular displays and displays based on parallax barriers. While these give a true three-dimensional experience for the human viewer without needing to wear any special glasses or other peripherals. The problem is that the bandwidth usage and amount of computations to generate an image can increase between 2 and 100 times. We will present some possible solutions to this." | Tomas Akenine-Möller Dept of Computer Science, Lund |
Tomas Akenine–Möller is a professor in computer science with specialisation in computer graphics and image processing at the Department of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden. One of his main goals now is to build his own computer graphics group, LUGG (Lund University Graphics Group). He received an MSc in Computer Science and Engineering from Lund in 1995, and went on to Chalmers University of Technology, where he got his PhD in computer graphics in 1998. During 2000, he was a post doc at UC Berkely, and also spent some time at UC San Diego (2004/2005) as a visiting researcher. He was one of the papers chairs for the Graphics Hardware conference in 2004, and for Eurographics Symposium on Rendering in 2006. |
Computer vision, geometric problems and polynomial equations | "Understanding of the interplay between camera position, scene structure and images have been studied by artists, photographers, and researchers within surveying, photogrammetry and computer vision. Algorithms that solve for scene structure and camera motion using images are used today in such diverse areas as special effects for movies, navigation of autonomous vehicles, software for calibration of industrial robots and crime scene investigations. In this talk I will give a short history of these so called structure and motion problem and give a examples of our current research in this area." | Karl Åström Dept of Mathematics, Lund |
Utveckling av informationssystem |
"Digitala bibliotek (Digital Libraries) är en framväxande, tvärvetenskaplig forskningsdisciplin som behandlar elektroniska biblioteks- och
informationstjänster via datornätverk. Den omfattar frågeställningar kring hur man snabbt finner relevant information i den explosivt
växande mängden av elektroniskt tillgängliga informationsresurser. Några metoder kommer att exemplifieras med hur man bygger en vertikal (eller ämnesspecifik) sökmaskin. Metoderna är bl.a. utvecklade i EU-projektet ALVIS — Superpeer Semantic Search Engine och i Combine som är ett ett öppet, fritt system för ämnes-specifik Web-crawling." |
Anders Ardö Dept of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund |
Anders Ardö has a background in Computer Systems with a PhD from Lund University in 1986. From 1979 to 1986, he held various teaching and research
positions in the Department of Computer Engineering at Lund University. During 1986-1994 he held a position as Associate Professor in Computer Engineering. Since 1992
he is working with researching and developing digital library services first at Lund University Library, development department (NetLab), then at the Technical Knowledge
Center & Library of Denmark (DTV). He founded NetLab 1992 and was department head until 1996. During this time NetLab grew from 2 to 10 persons and marked itself as one
of the internationally leading development laboratories within the emerging field &digital libraries&. From 1996 to 2002 Anders Ardö was Head of research and
Scientist at DTV development department, which matches NetLab's strong position internationally. Now he is back as Associate Professor at Dept. of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University. His main areas of interest are digital library development; parallell/distributed computing; focused Web crawling; advanced methods for information discovery and retrieval; and automatic subject classification/text mining |
Framtidens programvaruforskning | "Att prediktera framtiden inom datorutveckling är dömt att misslyckas. Tänk bara på det berömda citatet av en IBM-chef om antalet datorer. Men här finns möjlighet att påverka framtiden. Tre professorer vid LTH presenterar vad de vill forska på. Vad är relevant och intressant för er?" | Krzysztof Kuchcinski Dept of Computer Science, Lund
Krzysztof Kuchcinski is a professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science, Lund University. He received the MSc and PhD degrees in computer
engineering and computer science from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in 1977 and 1984, respectively. He currently leads the ESDlab (Embedded Systems Design
Laboratory). His research interests concentrate on design methods for embedded systems at the architectural level, and in particular, on embedded system analysis and
synthesis, hardware/software co-design, and design modeling and evaluation. In his research he uses extensively constraint programming methods and the JaCoP solver
specially developed in his group to solve embedded system design problems. Prof. Kuchcinski is a co-author of the book on "System Synthesis with VHDL". He is the
editor-in-chief of Journal of Systems Architecture and a program committee member for several leading conferences on electronic design and design automation. Dr. Per Runeson is a professor in software engineering at Lund University, Sweden, and is the academic leader of the Software Engineering Research Group. He has a special researcher position from the Swedish National Research Foundation 2005-2010. His research interests include methods to facilitate, measure and manage various aspects of software quality, especially testing and inspection methods as well as agile methods. The research has a strong empirical focus including cooperation with major companies. He received a PhD from Lund University in 1998 and has five years of industrial experience as a consulting expert in software engineering. Prof. Runeson is ranked 12th worldwide in R. Glass ranking of SSE research scholars. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering and several program committees. Professor Karl-Erik Årzén's research is concentrated in two fields: real-time control systems and industrial process automation. He has also made research contributions in control of combustion engines and in fuzzy control. Within real-time control systems the work has been concentrated in three fields: integrated control and real-time scheduling, control and computing co-design tools, and domain-specific languages for control applications. The work on integrated control and real-time scheduling has been focused on developing control design and implementation methods that take limited computing and communication resources into account. This type of implementation-aware temporally robust control is particularly relevant for embedded control systems. The work on co-design tools have resulted in the Jitterbug and TrueTime tools which are available for public download. A series of graphical domainspecific "small" languages (Grafchart, High-level Grafchart, JGrafchart) have been developed for supervisory-level control applications of a sequential and state-machine based nature. Årzén has a very good international position within the field. He has been chairman or vicechairman of the relevant technical committees within the field and is regularly a member of the program committee for real-time and embedded system conferences. He has a leading role within the EU IST FP6 NoE ARTIST2 on design of embedded systems and is responsible for Lund's participation in the EU IST FP6 integrated project RUNES (Reconfigurable Ubiquitous Networked Embedded Systems. |
Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:59 pm by