Master Thesis presentation: "Business Process in Execution - En investeringsbedömning av Business Process Execution Language med Business Process Management Notation"
Date: October 28, 2009 (Wednesday) at 16:30
Carl Orvinder presents his Master Thesis "Business Process in Execution - En investeringsbedömning
av Business Process Execution Language med Business Process Management Notation".
If you want to take part in this exjobb-presentation contact Lars.Bendix[at]
Most business processes and business events are today connected,
supported or preformed by IT-systems. Therefore it’s of growing
importance that the systems are agile and responsive to changes
in business environment. To succeed companies have to create agile
software by using loosed coupled services, align their systems
with the processes and manage the gap between IT and business.
By using web services we can care for the first aspect, though web
services offers architecture with loosed coupled services. The web
service standard Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) offers
a solution to the second aspect. BPEL is a programming language
developed by IBM, BEA and Microsoft, supported by all of the bigger
companies in the industry, and a part of the OASIS standard family.
It’s designed to specify the interactions between web services,
implementing the business process. The third aspect could be managed
by BPEL’s connection to the business process mapping notation Business
Process Management Notation (BPMN).
This thesis investigates if and how BPEL, together with BPMN, could
solve and meet these challenges. The investigation is done from an
investment perspective. The main conclusion is that an investment in
the technology today, in general, is a bad idea.
Room: Sigma Exallon, Dockplatsen 1, Malmö
Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:57 pm