Master Thesis presentation: "Inspector: Tooling for Interactive Language Development"
Date: October 02, 2009 (Friday) at 13:15
Erik Mossberg presents his Master Thesis "Inspector: Tooling for Interactive Language Development".
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) provide a means to express solutions in line with the intent of the programmer in a certain domain. This increases productivity and provides a connection between domain experts and developers. Unfortunately, it is time-consuming to develop DSLs. However, tools such as languages workbenches can alleviate the development task and in that way make DSLs much more accessable. The focus of this thesis is to implement an Eclipse plugin, called Inspector, with the intent to assist in language frontend development. Inspector provides runtime analysis of generated frontends using the combination of JastAdd, Beaver LALR and JFlex. Inspector includes content-aware editors for frontend specifications, features such as “find declaration”, coupling between the dynamically defined DSLs and the Eclipse editor framework, and customizable syntax highlighting and code outlines.
Room: E:2116
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