Master Thesis presentation: Test application development using a remote-controlled platform interface
Date: June 18, 2009 (Thursday) at 14:15
Kristoffer Broddéne och Ola Stensson presenterar sitt examensarbete "Test application development using a remote-controlled platform interface".
Giedré Sabaliauskaité
Per Runeson
This master thesis studies test application development for mobile platforms at ST-Ericsson and investigates running the test application on a connected PC instead of on the tested device, using a remote platform interface called Remote OPA. This is different from the current test environment where test applications are written in the C language, moved to the platform memory and executed on the platform. The thesis mainly addresses development and maintenance times for developing test cases in the current test environment compared to this Remote OPA test environment. It also includes an evaluation of how well testing using Remote OPA actually works. A number of test cases were developed and the development time was compared to estimated time for developing test cases in the current test environment. Maintenance times, the time spent adapting a test case to a newer version of the mobile platform, were also measured and compared to the current maintenance times. Remote OPA was also analyzed with focus on how well it can integrate with the test protocols currently in use at ST-Ericsson.
The results show that there is a lot of time to save when developing test cases using Remote OPA, but some work is required to solve a few problems, such as compatibility issues when using Remote OPA and the current test communication protocol at the same time. Solving these problems is described in this report and may require a redesign of Remote OPA or of the test communication protocol currently in use. Supposing that these necessary changes are made, the Remote OPA test environment is a more efficient way of developing test cases and should be used for test application development in the future.
Room: E:2116
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