Master Thesis presentation: Distributed Knowledge Sources in SIARAS
Date: May 06, 2009 (Wednesday) at 15:15
Petter Lidén presenterar sitt exjobb "Distributed Knowledge Sources in SIARAS".
Reza Haddadi, Andrew Jönsson D04
SIARAS (Skill-based Inspection and Assembly for Reconfigurable
Automation Systems) is an
EU-funded project with main goal to build an automated system to support
(semi-)automatic reconfiguration of manufacturing processes.
The main part of this system, known as the Skill Server, uses a
knowledge source which has
two main parts. The ontology file, representing the vocabulary needed
to reason about
devices and skills and their behaviour, i.e. the possible objects
within the manufacturing
process and how they relate to each other; and the device library
which holds information
about the devices and their properties.
With this information the skill server is able to reason about what
can or can not be done in
reconfiguring the system as result of some type of new requirement or
in response to hardware/device changes.
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the knowledge source(s) and
the flow of
information to find a new architecture that facilitates both access to
the information and the
maintenance of it. The analysis should result in a prototype software,
a knowledge server
that maintains the information and provides a well-defined interface
for accessing it. Specifically, the device
libraries should be separate from the ontology (vocabulary)
information. While the
ontology remains fairly constant, the actual devices provided by
manufacturers may change over time and this information should
therefore be handled and stored in a more dynamic way - a way that
allows for easy updating as sources are modified.
The knowledge server should enable distributed knowledge sources.
I.e., manufacturers
should be able to publish new information for access by the knowledge
server and ultimately the skill server independently of each other and
without help from anyone maintaining the skill server system.
Room: E:2116
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