
Master Thesis Presentation: Palpable computing in a health care environment

Date: May 15, 2009 (Friday) at 13:00

Thomas Bjerre presenterar sitt examensarbete "Palpable computing in a health care environment".

Arbetet är utfört i samarbete med Medicinsk Teknik, Universitetssjukhuset i Lund.

Mark Weiser first coined the phrase "ubiquitous computing". In ubiquitous computing computers exists everywhere and are not necessarily visible, meaning humans may use them without being aware of it. This scenario will require devices to adapt a flexible communication technique.

A real scenario involving ubiquitous computing has been investigated. Different networking technologies has been looked into and conclusions has been made. Palpable computing has been chosen as foundation of a prototype system aiming at solving the problems. The PalCom framework has been used and evaluated as well as the developed prototype.

Room: E:2116

Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:57 pm by Mikael.Antic@cs.lth.se