Master Thesis Presentation: Simulation-Based Generation of 3D Urban Environments using a Multi-Agent System
Date: June 11, 2009 (Thursday) at 13:00 to 14:00
Adrew Jönsson och Reza Haddadi presenterar sitt examensarbete "Simulation-Based Generation of 3D Urban Environments using a Multi-Agent System".
Examinator: Jacek Malec
Multi-agent systems are used in various AI problems. The intention of this study is to determine how well is this method suited for generating computer simulations of urban environments. Other methods normally use procedural approach to creating a static city (e.g. the grid-layout method). The multi-agent system used in this project builds up a city dynamically on a temporal (simulated year by year) basis.
A tool called Urban has been created in order to visualize the development of the city landscape. The multi-agent system solves the posed problem by creating a basis for developing detailed and unique cites with different characteristics. However, there is a need for further detailed analysis of the algorithm and for explicit rule setting by the developers.
Room: E:2116
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