5th Scandinavian SCM Day
Date: May 26, 2009 (Tuesday) at 08:30
The SCM day is an opportunity for people from academia and industry with a passion for Software Configuration Management to get together.
At the SCM day you will:
* get new information and inspiration
* listen to presentations of problems and solutions from the industry world
* listen to presentations of problems and results from the research world
* meet colleagues with whom you can discuss and share your frustrations - and ideas
The programme is still preliminary and will be subject to minor changes until the end of April.
Please feel free to share and forward information about the SCM day to everyone you feel might be interested.
Early registration date this year will be May 12th.
Room: E:1406
Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:57 pm by Mikael.Antic@cs.lth.se