Øredev Conference 2009

Date: November 02, 2009 (Monday) at 08:00 to November 06 (Friday) at 17:00

Øredev is the premier technical and user conference in Europe focused on the software development process - from programming to project management.

Theme of the year

Re: Efficiency

Øredev 2009 will shine its spotlight on efficiency.

In a fiercely competitive market context, we all need to be "high-performance" – i.e., setting the right targets to achieve our goals, and definitely, getting things done. So in keeping with this theme, we ask you to focus on delivering a methodological approach or technical knowledge to our participants that can be put in their toolbox and put into practice when they go back to their daily work.

Sharing knowledge, increasing efficiency!

Conference overview

2-3 November - Courses
3 November - Workshops, Tutorials
4-6 November - Seminars

Pre-conference activities: tutorials/workshops, courses.

Courses generally are two day long.
Tutorials and workshops generally are either half or full days.

URL: http://www.oredev.org/

Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:57 pm by Mikael.Antic@cs.lth.se