Lecture: Simulating path-based surface detail and interactive daylight

Date: February 10, 2009 (Tuesday) at 10:00

Carles Bosch (France) is giving a lecture entitled "Simulating path-based surface detail and interactive daylight illumination".

In this talk, I will present different research topics in which I have been involved. The first part of the talk will focus on the simulation of path-based surface detail, aiming at presenting different solutions for accurately modeling and rendering features like scratches or grooves. Some of these solutions include a geometry-based representation in texture space and a rendering method for general grooved surfaces. A GPU adaptation for real-time rendering will also be introduced. The talk will continue dealing with interactive daylight illumination of architectural environments. An approach based on a visibility-guided adaptive subdivision of the scene will be described, in which sky visibility is computed by means of hardware occlusion queries. Most recent research directions will then be outlined at the end.

Room: E:1144

Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:57 pm by Mikael.Antic@cs.lth.se