Master Thesis Seminar: Managing Variability Requirements and Variation Points for Software Product Lines
Date: May 27, 2008 (Tuesday) at 13:15
Jonas Andersson och Samuel Nygren presenterar sitt examensarbete "Managing Variability Requirements and Variation Points for Software Product Lines".
This thesis presents an evaluation of the current product derivation process for the product line approach at Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications. The paper examines the weaknesses in the current derivation process and the gaps between the requirements and the configuration of products. During the evaluation of the current process it was found that products were configured in an iterative way, based on change requests and bug reports, rather than using specifications. The major problems that were identified involved fragmented product specifications, a large number of variation points and unclear responsibilities for the product configuration activities. To be able to solve these problems, improvements were proposed involving a new structure connecting the configuration to the initial requirements while separating the configuration into two levels of granularity. This was done to assure that products are configured according to requirements, in a more appropriate granularity, that responsibilities are clear and that the configuration can be verified. To handle the lack of product specifications we also proposed the use of a main product specification, which is based on the same entities as the configuration, to be used throughout the organization. The evaluation of the proposal showed that there were no major obstacles applying the proposed changes to the current configuration interface. Surveys were used to get opinions and comments, which showed that stakeholders were overall positive to an introduction of the proposal.
Arbetet har utförs i samarbete med Sony Ericsson under våren.
Examinator: Björn Regnell
Handledare: Pär Åsfält ( Sony Ericsson ) och Krzysztof Wnuk ( LTH )
Roger Schildmeijer & Jacob Kristhammar
Room: E:2116
Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:59 pm by