Master Thesis Seminar: Code Analyzer for Finding Unreached Text and Icon Labels
Date: September 14, 2007 (Friday) at 10:15
Alexander Thurban and Johan Linse presents theis master thesis work:
Code Analyzer for Finding Unreached Text and Icon Labels
Last replay date (R.S.V.P.): *Wednesday the 12th of September, noon (if you
do not announce your interest, you will not be allowed in the building)
Reply to this e-mail adress if interested:
In this master thesis project, a method for finding unused texts and
icons in the Sony Ericsson phone software is designed. The reason for
finding these is the cost of maintaining the growing list of presumably
unused texts and icons. Hence removing all unused icons and texts would
be beneficial. The method developed can briefly be described as a dead
code analyzer. A graph representation of the software is created, where
the nodes represents the functions, and the edges represents the
function calls. A connectivity analysis of the graph is done to see
which labels are reached. The method is specially developed for Sony
Ericsson environment, but can easily be modified to fit other
environments and for other purposes. The method is implemented in a
tool, which can be used to present a result of unreachable texts and
icons. The method was also tested and the result suggested that 58 per
cent of the texts and 46 per cent of the icons, in the given test, were
Room: Limerick conference room (SEMC, Scheelev 16, next to Lunds energi)
Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:59 pm