Master Thesis Seminar: Software Integration in Health Care
Date: June 12, 2007 (Tuesday) at 10:15
Emma Nilsson-Nyman presents her master thesis work:
Software Integration in Health Care
We have studied software integration problems at the University Hospital in Lund through two scenarios which reflect their current workflow.
Prototypes for these scenarios have been implemented using techniques developed within PalCom, an on-going research project in ubiquitous computing, aiming at developing techniques which make it easier to combine devices such as GPS devices and digital cameras.
We have evaluated how well these techniques perform in a hospital environment, containing devices such as journal systems and medical equipment. This kind of environment, which differs from environments where PalCom techniques have been applied so far, puts new demands on expressiveness and performance. We suggest language improvements and runtime system changes necessary to meet these demands.
Room: E:2116
Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:59 pm