Master Thesis Seminar: External ad-hoc communication for PalCom
Date: March 26, 2007 (Monday) at 10:15
Thomas Forsström och David Raimosson presenterar sitt exjobb "External ad-hoc communication for PalCom".
The PalCom project is an implementation for different network devices to find each other by multicasting and use their services in ad-hoc ways over a local network. This master thesis describes a prototype for a possible solution to the PalCom projects limitations to local networks. By using secure tunnels these local networks can communicate with each other over an otherwise insecure global network. Thoughts and reasons to the choices made during the project is given and explained as well as information needed to use the software. The relationship between the prototype and the PalCom project is offered along with a brief clarification to what the PalCom project is and what it can do. A list of known problems, limitations and plans for future development is included in the thesis. Some brief background information on Skype, Napster, Java SSL, OpenVPN and NAT servers is also provided.
Room: E:4130
Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:59 pm