Master Thesis Seminar: Utredning och jämförelse av tekniker för säkerhet och kommunikation i Web Services under Microsoft .NET

Date: January 28, 2005 (Friday) at 13:15

Gustav Hilding och Erik Tufvesson presenterar sitt examensarbete.


One of the key issues when designing Web Services is how to implement security. Since an increasing amount of sensitive information is transmitted over unreliable transmission medias, such as the Internet, there is a need for a strong security model. The market presents a number of di erent technologies that contain mechanisms for applying security to Web Services. Furthermore, security is hard to implement without a decrease in transmission efficiency.

This thesis will guide the reader though the structure and the various building blocks of Web Services. This will provide the essential information and fundamental understanding in the creation of secure Web Services. The next area of focus is an investigation and comparison of how well the various provided technologies solve the above stated issues. Finally the technologies will be evaluated in their respective areas of application.

Room: The Lucas-room (E:4130)

Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:59 pm