Real-Time Rendering Corrigenda for 2nd edition
What follows are corrections for the book
Real-Time Rendering (2nd edition, 2nd print), by
Tomas Akenine-Möller and
Eric Haines.
- Somewhere, add "Chameleon image on the cover is courtesy of NVIDIA."
- Page 52, equation 3.57 could be further simplified so that
"h=1/(1+e)" (thanks to Gottfried Chen)
- Page 459. Equation 11.7 should be "v-e+f-2g=2". Also add an explanation in the sentence
below the equation ", and $g$ is the genus\index{genus}, which essentially is the number of ``holes'' in the object.
As an example, a sphere has genus 0 and a torus has genus 1."
- Page 492, line 8 says "a curve that is C^1 is always G^1." Change to
"a curve that is C^1 is always G^1, with the exception that when the velocities of two curves go to zero at the point
where the curves join, and they have different tangents just before the join~\cite{Foley96}." The
citation is reference [235].
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
Significant errors
- Page 246, Equation 6.27, first line. Replace the right bold "n" with an italicized "r".
(thanks to Francisco Rivas and Cyrus Jam)
- Page 643, in the pseudocode we only have overlap tests for the triangle-triangles, but
we also need overlap tests for BV-BV and possibly for BV-triangles.
Add line between 4 and 5: "if(overlap(A_{BV},B_{BV}))". Add line between 11 & 12:
"if(overlap(T_A,B_{BV}))", and between 14 and 15: "if(overlap(T_B,A_{BV}))"
(thanks to Ola Olsson)
- Page 687, top of the page, WireGL is a "Sort-First architecture", not "Sort-Last Image". Thus, the
sentence that follows "It should be noted that Sort-Last Image..." is false, and should be deleted.
(thanks to John Owens)
- Page 708 says "Owens et al. describe a stream architecture for polygon rendering, where
a number of small, flexible processors are connected in a pipeline [609]."
This is incorrect, replace with: "Owens et al. describe a stream architecture for polygon rendering, where
the pipeline work is divided in time, and each stage is run in sequence using
a single processor [609].
(thanks to John Owens)
Minor syntax errors
- Page 138, just before equation 5.2, there is a reference to equation 5.1. This should
be 5.2 instead.
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Need to make Figure 11.8 more clear.
- Page 492, in the paragraph before 12.1.3, for G^1, the tangent vectors should
be "parallel" and "have the same direction" (thanks to Bedrich Benes)
- On page 594, the last paragraph reads: "Step 3, on the other hand, requires computation ..".
Should be "Step 4, ..." (thanks to Timothy Roden)
- Page 612, in the pseudocode, line 11 need to add superscript "k" to both the normal "n" and
to the offset "d" (thanks to Peter Reiterer)
Very minor errors
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webslaves: Eric Haines
Tomas Akenine-Möller
Last change: May 19th, 2003