Questions for EXAM, week 1, Considering Chapter 1


Question 1

A demand which is reflected by the requirements is known as a tacit

requirement. Imagine developing a word processor like the one found in

OpenOffice or Microsoft Word, please state at least 3 tacit requirements

with motivation. 3p.



This is a question with a lot of possible answers. Requirements like Cut &

Paste, handle different fonts, have keyboard short-cuts, allow printing,

be able to select text using the mouse or change font size are the ones

that should give points.


Question 2

Give one of the following answers to the questions below:

* No, Im certain.

* No, but Im not certain.

* Yes, but Im not certain.

* Yes, Im certain.

For each answer: If you are certain you receive either +2p or -2p. If you

are not certain you receive either +1p or -1p. No answer yields 0p. The

total number of points for this question can not be less than 0.


1.    Validation means to validate that the product fulfills the



2.    Verification means to verify that the product fulfills the



3.    COTS stands for Contract On TailoredSoftware?



Defined in the book. The main point of this question is that one could use

a few MUST KNOW terms throughout the book. Be careful not to use

unimportant terms as they are exactly that, unimportant.