Tentamensfråga, vecka 2

Grupp F: Erik Norberg, Joakim Puusaari, Thomas Raneland



Divide the following techniques of writing functional requirements into domain and product oriented techniques, respectively. Motivate your decisions.


Context Diagram,

Feature Requirements,

Screens and Prototypes,

Task Descriptions.,

(Vivid) Scenarios.



Context Diagram is the technique where you describe the surroundings and the interfaces of the product. This is mainly a domain oriented technique.

Feature Requirements lists all the functions that the product should implements, and thus is a product oriented technique.

Screens and Prototypes lets the customer decide upon the user interface. The user interface is part of the product, and so the technique is product oriented.

Task Descriptions are formalized descriptions of tasks that the complete system (user and product) should be able to execute. This is clearly a domain oriented technique.

Scenarios are concrete examples of use cases. They give the developers insight in the domain, and provide opportunities to discover tacit demands. Vivid scenarios belong to the group of domain oriented techniques.


För 2 poäng per teknik:


För 1 poäng:


Felaktig eller avsaknad motivering ger noll poäng.


Se Lauesen kap 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 och 3.9.