13:41:27 From Jacek Malec : a -> [a] -> [a] 13:41:34 From Jacek Malec : (.) :: a 13:41:52 From Jacek Malec : (.) :: ()b -> c 13:42:22 From Jacek Malec : (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c 13:42:50 From Jacek Malec : [(b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c] 13:43:11 From Jacek Malec : ((.):) :: [(b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c] 13:48:29 From Farjam Movahedi : Is there going to be theoretical questions in exam like "the difference between 'type' and 'newtype' " ? 13:54:11 From Linnea Johnsson To Jacek Malec(privately) : Shouldnt f2 take an arg z like f1 takes two, x and y? 13:58:27 From Karl Hallsby : In your Graphical example, you would need to define the Box type with data, correct? 14:05:16 From Kasper Dejke : For those presenting labs, is it enough to submit the commented code on canvas or should we also answer preparation questions over zoom? 14:52:50 From Tim Djärf : What is the expected time that one is supposed to spend solving assignment 1 in EDAN40? 14:59:49 From Rasmus Rose Gordon : If you have a negative integer? 15:00:08 From Adamm1 : Its myNatural 15:03:03 From paul To Jacek Malec(privately) : (succ x) reminds of n+k pattern Erik M talked about. When I tried it in the terminal it did not work and It seems they removed it? Why? It seemed nice.