13:15:13 From Joel Bäcker : hello 13:16:32 From Herobrine : He understood Swedish, and answered in English... nice 13:19:43 From Alexander : praktiska grejer och sen lite om funktionsprogrammering 13:20:00 From Alexander : ups this was not meant for everyone 13:20:10 From Alexander : ignore my previous messages :) 13:30:52 From Alexander : Is the return value always only the last type? If you would want several return values would this be a tuple? 13:31:50 From Karl Hallsby : @Alexander, yes. The -> operator is right-associative. So, a function a -> b -> c returns a single value of type c, and takes a parameter of type a and a parameter of type b. 13:34:21 From Alexander : Ok, thanks :) 13:34:47 From sanctified : The arrow notation for arguments is related to currying, right? 13:39:10 From Alexander : I think currying/uncurrying was changing the amount of arguments for a certain function, ie introducing parentheses within the arrows 13:39:20 From Alexander : there was a part on that in the original presentation 13:40:32 From Alexander : introducing or removing parentheses for currying/uncurrying 13:42:53 From Herobrine : ortogonally? Shouldn't we look that as well? 13:43:15 From Alexander : up? 13:43:59 From Herobrine : oh, I meant diagonally 13:44:24 From Herobrine : up, down, level, but not diagonally 13:44:26 From Alexander : diagon-alley 13:44:27 From Alexander : ;) 13:44:41 From Herobrine : lol 13:47:30 From faraz : succ 13:48:40 From Alice Berggren : Vad betyder $ ? 13:51:28 From Alice Berggren : Thank you ! 13:54:10 From Gabriel Borglund : Is it always the case that the last type is the type of the output of the function and that the other types are inputs? 13:55:57 From Alexander : Asked this previously, he said not really 13:57:00 From Gabriel Borglund : But every functions returns exactly one value right? So shoulden’t always the last type be the output. ( Assuming that all of the arguments are given) 13:57:50 From Alice Berggren : Jag tror att du kan skicka med objektet som funktionen utförs på som i ex map (*2). Jag tror det utförs på *2. Alltså sista är output men alla innan är inte alltid input 13:57:55 From Alexander : That is true I think 13:58:31 From Alice Berggren : Det är iaf så det funkar i golang, så tror det kan vara liknande här. 13:59:03 From Gabriel Borglund : Aah I see! Thank you Alice! :D 13:59:24 From Alexander : yeah, all the types to the left of the rightmost type wasn’t necessarily the input or something like that:) 13:59:34 From Gabriel Borglund : I see! 14:01:33 From Edvin : i think he said that output of a function can be another function so its not always the thing to the right of the last arrow that is the type 14:02:13 From Edvin : (a -> [a]) could be the type and not [a] 14:03:39 From matly : Remind me, are "head" and "tail" built-ins of Haskell? 14:04:02 From sanctified : Question: would (head (allSolutions)) actually calculate all solutions or would it stop after the first? 14:05:27 From matly : Thanks! 14:06:10 From Rasmus Rose Gordon : Wow, that's impressive 14:06:16 From Joel Bäcker : Will this lecture be uploaded to the course website? 14:06:51 From Simon Erlandsson : You probably said this before but what does the ("!!" mean in the head(allSolutions !! 8)? 14:07:18 From Alice Berggren : When will information about EDAN40 assignments be available? Deadlines etc 14:07:38 From Alice Berggren : Great! :D 14:08:17 From Karl Hallsby : So, allSolutions generates an infinite list. Then we take the 8th element out, because of lazy evaluation, and then we take the first solution from the list of n queens to place, right?