EDAN26 Multicore Programming Lab 2

Course home page is here.

The purpose of this lab is to get you started with parallel programming using actors and the Scala programming language. It is recommended to use the more convenient actors available in Scala-2.10 but feel free to use the new Akka actors if you want.
  1. See the lecture notes on Scala and in particular the last slide.

  2. To do this lab, you can either use forsete.cs.lth.se or your own laptop. On your laptop, you need java8 and scala-2.10.6.

  3. In case you wonder who Forsete is, the answer is a viking age judge (and sometimes showing up as a programming assignment judge).

  4. You can use the account name and password you have for power.cs.lth.se also on forsete.cs.lth.se

  5. It is only possible to login to forsete from another LTH machine such as in Gamma, login.student.lth.se, or power.cs.lth.se

  6. When you have logged in to forsete.cs.lth.se, set your PATH variable with:

    export PATH=/usr/local/cs/EDAN26/scala/scala-2.10.6/bin:$PATH

  7. Download dataflow.scala and makefile.

    You may want to use scp to copy the files to forsete.cs.lth.se.

    If needed, please see the pdf about terminal usage on the course home page under News 2019.

  8. Make the program complete and measure its performance. Compare it with the Java version in terms of stimulating creative thinking, convenience, and number of source code lines.

Mon Sep 16 19:18:42 CEST 2019