Frequently Asked Questions about the CVS lab:

Should we do one lab report per group or one per pair?
Yes ;-) You will work in pairs and do the experimentation in pairs - but for the CVS lab report (and the git lab report) you decide whether you want to write one lab report per pair - or whether you want to discuss the two pairs' experiences before writing one common report!

Nothing seems to happen when we click on the link to download - is the file not there?
If I did not make a mistake it is. However, it seems that some browsers (Firefox?) sometimes insist on you doing "something extra" for some links. So try right-click on the link and select either "Save Link As..." or "Open Link in New Tab" from the menu. If the file is still not there, contact me!

Nothing seems to happen when we double-click on the "cvs.exe" file - what is the matter?
The cvs executable has not been made as a "clickable" file in Windows. So you will have to use it through the command line in a terminal!

We seem to be "caught" in a strange editor during a commit - can we get out?
Hopefully ;-)
If the editor is Emacs then: typing Ctrl-x followed by Ctrl-c should get you out.
If the editor is vi then: typing Esc followed by :w followed by :q should get you out!
Do not try to kill or stop the commit process. That will leave the database of CVS in an undefined state and with a lock that it is complicated to remove. If that happens the easiest is to remove everything and start again (skipping the tasks that you have already done)!

We are having problems with CVS - could powershell on Windows be the problem?
Maybe. Powershell on Windows is known to sometimes create problems for the lab - use the "normal" terminal instead!

We are running Linux on top of a Windows machine - will that cause problems?
Probably. Linux on top of Windows is know to often create problems for the lab. Use a "clean" Linux - or a "clean" Windows - instead!

We are running Ubuntu 20.10 - CVS seems to not be there, how can we get it?
Try running the following command:
     sudo apt install cvs

We are running Mac and get merge conflicts on the .DS_Store files - how can we fix that?
The .DS_Store files are some "hidden" files that Mac OS create and they were not in the zip-file that you got to work on. There are basically two ways you can deal with it:

Updated October 20, 2022