Grading history:

Grading is absolute (not relative) and done in relation to the course's learning goals. Therefore the distribution of grades fluctuates from year to year based of the students' pre-requisites and preparation during the course - and how well the course has been taught.

Grades are given according to the scale 5-U (with ECTS equivalents in parenthesis): 5 (A, B); 4 (B, C, D); 3 (D, E); U (Fx, F).

All-time history (since 2001):
5: 38% 4: 40% 3: 17% U: 5%

Last year (2022):
5: 49% 4: 39% 3: 10% U: 2%

The year before (2021):
5: 31% 4: 59% 3: 10% U: 0%

Just like they say when investing your money: Historic rates are no guarantee for future rates.

Updated June 28, 2023