I am getting tired during video lectures - is there anything I can do to avoid "Zoom-fatigue"?
There are two very simple things you can do to get some of the way: Some research indicates that when your camera is on and you see the green dot shining, people tend to spend mental energy on appearing good on camera. In reality everyone can also see you in the lecture hall, but apparently that is easier to ignore. When you are "passively listening to a video lecture" no-one is interested in looking at you, so just turn off your camera.

The previous research and other research also indicate that the "bandwidth" in digital communication is so low that many things get lost - which means that you have to spend much more mental energy to try to understand what other people are saying and meaning. So we desperately need to do as much as possible to make it easier for things to get through. In discussions (not "passively listening to lectures") you can:

Updated November 8, 2020