Department of Computer Science

Lab 1, Optimizing Compilers, EDAN75

The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the compiler and simulation tool you will use in the design of your optimizing compiler. This is the first of two labs and focusses on finding dominators in the control flow graph using the Lengauer-Tarjan algoritithm. The focus of the second lab is on SSA Form.
  1. You need to run this lab on UNIX, and you need a C compiler which understands C99. The lab environment consists of a compiler for a very small subset of C and a RISC processor simulator. The compiler generates code for a hypothetical RISC processor which it then simulates itself and reports the number of clock cycles needed to execute the compiled program.

  2. Download the source code for the compiler according to instructions given by your teacher.

  3. Untar it, e.g. by typing: tar xvf vcc.tar

  4. Go to the vcc directory and type make. This should do the following:

  5. Remove the RETURN-statement in dom.c mentioned in the output from vcc.

  6. Look into the file func.h where vertex_t is defined.

  7. Make the depth-first search procedure dfs() complete. It is in the file dom.c. Type make which will produce a file As you can see, vcc still crashes but it should crash after having produced the file

  8. Then use dot to visualize the CFG. A useful parameter to dot is -Tps to generate a PostScript file which then can be converted to PDF with ps2pdf. This file should show the control flow graph with nodes numbered using DFS.

  9. Insert a return statement after the call to print_cfg() in dominance(). Type make. You should now see the program running to completion and report the number of clock cycles, and diff should not report any difference.

  10. Start a text editor with the file stats.

  11. Start a text editor with the files a.c:* (i.e., a.c:0, a.c:1, a.c:2, etc). The files a.c:N contain three-address code which is dumped after certain steps during optimization.

  12. Make the rest of Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm complete (in the same file) according to Algorithm 2.7 (naive version) in the book (you need to adapt the algorithm slightly for our data structures). Use the fields domchild and domsibling to construct the tree. The domchild points from an immediate dominator to its first child and domsibling point to a sibling with the same immediate dominator. See the file vcg.c how they are used.

  13. Inspect the dominator tree using the command sh rdot dt 2 and viewing the file dt.pdf. (the number 2 may have changed if you printed additional graphs: look for files dt.*.dot).

Requirements for the Lab

When you have performed the tasks above, contact your teacher and then you will discuss what you have learnt during the lab.

Mon Sep 7 14:33:03 CEST 2020