AI Seminar, 11.06.2003, 10-12, glasburen Krzysztof Pawlowski, AstraZeneca, Lund Bioinformatics / computational biology in pharmaceutical industry Abstract: An overview of the role of bioinformatics in pharmaceutical industry will be given from the perspective of a drug target discovery scientist. Typical applications of bioinformatics in pharma industry will be briefly presented, together with challenges for the future. * protein and nucleotide sequence analysis problems (e.g. gene prediction, protein structure prediction, function prediction), * gene expression microarray data analysis (e.g. reduction of dimensionality of data space, detecting disease-associated genes and classification problems) * analysis of gene networks (e.g. extracting networks from biological and literature data; combining interaction networks originating from different data sources) * other systems biology approaches (e.g. whole cell simulations)