Genetic Programming of Multi-agent System in the RoboCup Domain by Jonatan Aronsson The thesis work was done first at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada and then at our department, LTH. The opponents are: Pär Olsson (d99) and Peter Larsson (d99pl). Wednesday, 26th November, 15.15, glasburen Abstract Simulated robotic soccer is a frequently used test method for contemporary artificial intelligence research. It provides a real-time environment with complex dynamics and sensor information that is both noisy and limited. Team coordination between the robots is essential for success. Genetic programming is a method of machine learning that is developed from the principle of survival of the fittest. A population of computer programs is generated and each program is tested against a fitness function. The best programs according to the fitness function are cloned, mutated, and recombined to create a new generation of programs. This process continues until the evolved programs satisfy a user defined criterion. In this study, genetic programming is used to teach software robots to play soccer. The robots quickly learn to chase the ball and kick the ball towards the goal. Although the strategy is successful, a number of players develop defensive abilities and recognize that team coordination is necessary for further development. Due to the extremely demanding fitness evaluation several compromises were made to limit the duration of the 'evolution'. The length was cut down to 2 weeks per run and the compromises consequently resulted in weaker robots. Conclusions of this study are that more work is needed on the fitness evaluation, the set of terminals and functions should be extended, and more computational resources are necessary in order to develop better performing players.